Call for papers for the STUVA Conference 2025 has started
The conference programme will be compiled from the proposals submitted by an external Scientific Programme Committee and finally approved by the STUVA Board. As experience has shown that more papers are submitted than can be presented in the time available, we ask for your understanding that not all proposals may be considered. Those selected will be informed of the outcome of the consultation by mid-May 2025. As usual, STUVA members have the right to submit presentation proposals for the STUVA conference first. The Call for Papers will therefore be sent exclusively to members of STUVA e. V. and only to the nominated member representative. All employees of our members are then invited to submit interesting topics, whereby we rely on the Call for Papers being distributed by the member representatives in the company. Don't know who the nominated member representative is in your company? No problem - then simply contact us directly! Use the link on the right to go directly to the nomination form! By the way: As we provide simultaneous translation, we are also happy to accept presentations from English-speaking speakers! The lecture series is divided into the two segments ‘Tunnelling’ and ‘Tunnel Operation/Planning’ with a total of more than 60 expert lectures. The expert presentations can, for example, focus on the following topics
- Current developments in underground construction, major international projects, mechanised tunnelling, construction methods in difficult ground,
- exploration, planning, new guidelines and regulations,
- retrofitting, modernisation, safety in the construction and operation of tunnels, innovative safety concepts, safety equipment, fire protection, fire detection, tunnel control technology, road user behaviour, lighting and escape guidance systems,
- maintenance, refurbishment, research,
- sustainability, energy generation and use, reduction of CO₂ emissions,
- contract design, financing, economic efficiency, risk management,
- BIM, digitalisation in tunnel construction, tunnel management.
Proposal deadline until 31 January 2025
We look forward to your topic suggestions! However, if you do not have a suitable topic for a presentation this time, but know a colleague who you think should definitely give a presentation, please draw their attention to the STUVA Call for Papers.
Young Forum
Promoting young talent is always a priority at STUVA. For this reason, we have been giving the next generation of tunnellers the opportunity to present their own work in the ‘Young Forum’ since 2010. We are looking for young, highly qualified engineers or employees from all specialist areas of tunnelling and the associated operation of corresponding traffic facilities aged between 30 and 35. The participants in the ‘Young Forum’ should have already gained initial experience in practice or science and be able to report on current new developments in their respective fields. From the proposals submitted, around five will be selected for the ‘Young Forum’ lecture event. The winner of the STUVA Young Talent Award will be chosen from these presentations. The award ceremony will take place during the festive evening event.