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STUVA-YEP Workshop @TH Köln

Following the successful excursion to the construction site in Munich for the 2nd S-Bahn main line, STUVA YEP invited participants to a workshop entitled "Innovations in tunnel construction" at the Technical University in Cologne on 26 October 2022.

Around 50 interested young engineers from all over Germany accepted the invitation.

After a brief introduction to the teaching and research projects of the TH Köln by Prof. Christoph Budach, whose Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and Tunnelling kindly provided the premises and refreshments during the breaks, the first of two lecture blocks began with the following presentations:

  • Challenges in German railway tunnels from the point of view of the regulations Dr. Carles Camós-Andreu (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kirschke GmbH & Co. KG - on behalf of DB Netz AG)
  • Asbestos in tunnelling - protective measure concepts for tunnelling in rock containing asbestos using the example of the Brandberg tunnel Anna Fürst (Heitkamp Construction Swiss, ARGE Tunnel Brandberg)


After the first block of lectures, there was a small lunch break for refreshment and exchange between the YEPs. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Leucker addressed a few words to the young engineers and the second block of lectures of the workshop followed with the following topics:

  • Excavated materials from tunnel construction projects as a source of raw materials for the construction industry Isabelle Armani (DB Bahnbaugruppe GmbH)
  • Monitoring for extreme load situations: how the inner life of a tunnel structure becomes visible Fabian Rauch (Chair of Solid Construction, Technical University of Munich)
  • U5 Mitte Hamburg - preliminary planning of a major project in the inner city Wencke Zingsheim (Schüßler Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH) and Arne Mischo (WTM Engineers)

The Steering Committee is pleased about the diverse presentations from different fields and the successful exchange of different perspectives on tunnelling (planning, research, practice). The success of the workshop was celebrated afterwards with a Kölsch beer or two in the nearby Deutzer Brauhaus. Thanks go to Prof. Dr. Leucker and the STUVA e.V., which co-financed this get-together. On behalf of the STUVA YEP Steering Committee we would like to thank all participants and speakers, without whom such an event would not have been possible. In addition, we would like to draw your attention to our free newsletter of the STUVA YEPs in order to be informed about future events like this one. You can register via the link on the right.

Typically STUVA-YEP: Great atmosphere and intensive networking at the TH Köln in a relaxed atmosphere
Contact person
M. Sc. Ruben Deckers
+49 221 59795-31
+49 221 59795-50