STUVA-YEP: Workshop at the TH Cologne
Under the heading "Innovations in Tunnelling", the Steering Committee of STUVA YEP invites all interested and committed young engineers in the field of tunnelling and tunnel operation to Cologne on 26 October.
The free workshop for all YEP members (new members register here) will take place from 11:30 a.m. at the Technical University (TH) of Cologne near the Deutz long-distance railway station. In addition to the "young professionals" who already have both feet on the ground in professional life, the YEPs are of course also looking forward to the participation of students who can already gain exciting insights into the world of tunnelling here.
The lecture programme offers a broad cross-section of research and practice and does not have to hide from established conferences. From raw material recycling, project planning, monitoring and hazardous materials during tunnel driving to developments in regulations, the speakers will provide insights into current and upcoming projects:
- Excavated materials from tunnelling projects as a source of raw materials for the construction industry?
Isabelle Armani (DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH) - Challenges in German railway tunnels from a regulatory perspective
Dr. Carles Camós-Andreu (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kirschke GmbH & Co. KG - on behalf of DB Netz AG) - Monitoring for extreme load situations: how the inner life of a tunnel structure becomes visible
Fabian Rauch (Chair of Solid Construction, Technical University of Munich) - U5 Mitte Hamburg - Preliminary planning of a major project in the inner-city area
Wencke Zingsheim (Schüßler Plan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH) and Arne Mischo (WTM Engineers) - Asbestos in tunnel construction - protection concepts for tunnel driving in asbestos-containing rock using the example of the Brandberg Tunnel
Anna Fürst (Heitkamp Construction Swiss, ARGE Tunnel Brandberg)
Afterwards, as usual, STUVA YEP invites you to a cosy get-together in a nearby brewery to round off the workshop. Here, all participants will have the opportunity to get in touch with other young engineers, to get to know each other, to network and to exchange ideas on a professional and private level. Registrations for both the workshop and the GetTogether are still welcome via the links on the left. The STUVA YEP Steering Committee looks forward to your active participation.