DIN 4150-2 "Vibrations in the building industry; effects on people in buildings" is being revised.
Mechanical low-frequency vibrations caused by construction activities pose a danger not only to the stability of buildings. Such vibrations can also have serious consequences for people living or working in affected buildings. Depending on the strength, frequency and duration of the strain, the effects range from spontaneous stress reactions and reduction in performance to damage to the muscle, nervous and circulatory systems. In order to minimize these dangers, the permissible strength of vibration emissions is regulated in DIN 4150-2 "Vibrations in the building industry; effects on people in buildings", which in its current version dates from 1999.
After almost 20 years, the advisory board of the Construction Standards Committee has now decided to fundamentally revise this standard and adapt it to the latest scientific findings and the state of the art. However, the basic structure of DIN 4150-2 with reference values for permissible vibrations specified in tabular form should not be changed. The values serve to assess vibrations in the frequency range of 1 to 80 Hz, which is particularly critical for humans. In addition to frequency, other factors also play an important role. Therefore, the reference values in DIN 4150-2 are also determined depending on the magnitude and intensity of the occurring vibration, the duration of exposure, the frequency and time of day of occurrence and the conspicuousness (surprise effect) as well as the type and mode of operation of the vibration source.
On 16 June 2018, the constituent meeting of the standards committee at DIN took place in Berlin. On behalf of the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV), the experienced STUVA employee Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Krüger has been appointed to the committee as a proven expert. Krüger is a certified expert in administrative procedures for noise protection and vibrations for the Federal Railway Authority and has just completed an extensive secondary noise and vibration expertise for the U5 line of the Hamburg HOCHBAHNN (1st construction phase Bramfeld to City Nord).