Start / About us / Team

The STUVA team

We work together on the mobility of tomorrow!

The team of STUVA and STUVAtec is a small team with flat structures and fast decision-making paths. Together, we are working on improving the infrastructure and ideas for tomorrow's environment-friendly and barrier-free mobility. These positive goals are both an incentive and a challenge for us every day. What can we do for you? Benefit from our wide range of knowledge and our diverse contacts. Here you will find the right contact for the solution of your tasks! 

Many skills. One Team.

Managing Director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Leucker

Managing Director STUVA / STUVAtec

+49 221 5 97 95-45

Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Posch

Assistant for Board of Directors / Managing Director

+49 221 5 97 95-11

Business area "Tunnelling & Construction"

Dr.-Ing. Christian Thienert

Head of Business

+49 221 5 97 95-24

Simone Weyell

Assistant to the Head

+49 221 5 97 95-32

Dipl.-Bibl. Martin Schäfer

Information & Documentation

+49 221 5 97 95-34

Lara Gutberlet, M. Sc.

Scientific Assistant

+49 221 5 97 95-16

Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Kessler

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-18

Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Klaproth

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-23

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Leismann

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-26

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Martini

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-40

Oleg Severukhin, M. Sc.

Project engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-29

Business area "Transport & Environment"

Dr.-Ing. Dirk Boenke

Head of Business

+49 221 5 97 95-19

Gabriele Konopka

Assistant to the Head

+49 221 5 97 95-20

Dipl.-Bibl. Martin Schäfer

Information & Documentation

+49 221 5 97 95-34

Aiman Al-Fakih, M. Sc.

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-28

Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Krüger

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-21

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Martini

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-40

Business area "Fire Safety & Security"

Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Hahne

Head of Business

+49 221 5 97 95-30

Jörg Theberath

Assistant to the Head

+49 221 5 97 95-14

Dipl.-Bibl. Martin Schäfer

Information & Documentation

+49 221 5 97 95-34

Ruben Deckers, M. Sc.

Project Engineer

+49 221 5 97 95-31

Simone Heidekrüger

Technical Designer

+49 221 5 97 95-15

Maren Michalski

Technical Designer

+49 221 5 97 95-25

Accounting & IT

Regina Böhmer

Accountancy STUVAtec

+49 221 5 97 95-17

Nadine Essel

Accountancy STUVA

+49 221 5 97 95-12

Dipl.-Bibl. Martin Schäfer


+49 221 5 97 95-34

Worldwide unique test facilities and decades of experience: that's STUVA.

Committed to the common good

STUVA and its statutes

For almost sixty years, the STUVA has been consistently recognized as a non-profit association. Such continuity can only be achieved if every member of staff in the team has firmly committed himself to the goals of the association. Above all, working for the benefit of the general public means being aware of the importance of one's own work on a daily basis and not losing sight of the goals of the STUVA.

According to our statutes, we are selflessly active and focus our work on everything that relieves the flow of traffic and the improvement of the associated infrastructure - and that guarantees without any profit motive. Environmental protection, barrier-free mobility and promotion of public transport are always the focus!

Such a sustainable goal can only be achieved with a constant effort to improve one's own work. The STUVA and every single employee in the team therefore have high quality standards for their daily activities. The public has relied on it for almost sixty years. And you as our client can of course do that too!