Erding circular rail link

Fire protection for the subterranean stops of the light rail and the interregional traffic

The railway junction Munich is the largest rail project of the Free State of Bavaria for the coming years and decades. In addition to the 2nd S-Bahn trunk line the overall project Erdinger Ringschluss (Erding circular rail link) is of outstanding importance. The S-Bahn line (light rail), which ends today at the airport, is to be extended to the east and make a connection to the existing S-Bahn line in Erding. The airport tunnel will be extended, taking into account the plans for the third runway. The planning includes a turnaround and parking facility near the village of Schwaigerloh, where S-Bahn trains and express trains terminating at the airport can be turned or strengthened and weakened. The route is already designed for regional and long-distance traffic, which is to connect the Southeastern Bavaria to the airport.
The Bavarian government has secured the services of STUVAtec for the provision of fire safety advice and the preparation of fire protection concepts for underground stations. STUVAtec also carries out the necessary fire simulations and evacuation calculations for the subterranean station Erding, which is shared by both the supra-regional rail traffic and the S-Bahn.

Fire Safety & Security
DB AG/Uwe Miethe
Ingenieurgemeinschaft Eastern Rail Access to Munich Airport
Period of service
since 2013
Munich, Germany
  • Consulting

Other projects Fire Safety & Security

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