Fixed Fehmarnbelt link
Review of the safety level of the operational and technical infrastructure in accordance with German standards
On behalf of the Schleswig-Holstein State Road Construction and Transport Authority (LBV-SH), STUVAtec had already investigated between 2015 and 2018 whether the planned road tunnel for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link - which was designed in accordance with Danish and European standards - also fulfils the required level of operational safety (in particular E&M systems) in accordance with German standards. The focus was exclusively on the operational and technical infrastructure of the tunnel and was based on the "Femern TEM Tender Documents - Scope of Work and Design Requirements" (December 2014).
Based on STUVAtec's investigation, Femern A/S has since adapted the planning to the German requirements, in particular the "EABT-80/100" (recommendations for the planning and operation of road tunnels with a design speed of 80 km/h or 100 km/h).
Since 2020, STUVAtec is reviewing the amended tender documents, particularly with regard to the pressurisation of the cross-passages and the orientation within the cross-passages for fleeing persons as well as the planning of the luminance in the different tunnel zones in accordance with the regulations.
Since in the event of a fire in the neighbouring rail tunnels, the road tunnel is used as an "unaffected tube" for rail passengers and for the fire brigade in the event of an extinguishing attack, safety in the rail tunnel and in the road tunnel are closely linked. STUVAtec was therefore also commissioned to check whether the safety level in interaction with the railway tunnel is given. This review subsequently serves the Federal Railway Authority (EBA) as a basis for assessment when issuing the operating licence.