Handbook Accessibility in long-distance bus traffic
Best practice for barrier-free travel by long-distance bus
With the amendment of the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG), the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has implemented the liberalization of domestic long-distance bus transport. The new regulation came into force on January 1, 2013. Due to an agreement in the coalition agreement of the 18th legislative period, the drafting of a handbook "Accessibility by long-distance bus service" (research project FE 82.0652 / 2016) was commissioned. This should promote and support the implementation of accessibility in practice by stakeholders, as an easy-to-understand and accessible booklet with best practice examples. The handbook not only includes the accessibility measures for vehicles required in accordance with § 42 PBefG, but also includes the infrastructure and operation.
The results of the project, which also includes the findings of a predecessor project (FE 82.0591 / 2013, published as BASt report F 114) as well as a report from the Federal Association of Self-help Körperbehinderter e. V. (BSK) were developed with the intensive involvement of the various stakeholders (long-distance bus companies, vehicle manufacturers, municipalities, representatives of the needs of persons with disabilities), including expert discussions, a workshop and participation in the supervising board.
Despite the relatively young long-distance bus market, there are already numerous positive examples in the three areas of vehicles, infrastructure and operations. However, the developments are still in their infancy. The handbook is intended to contribute to the speedy dissemination of targeted, practical solutions, thus sustainably improving the accessibility of long-distance bus services, taking into account the interests of the various stakeholders for all user groups.
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), represented by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
Jan Hellbusch, Accessibility Consulting, Dortmund
2016 bis 2018
- Planen
- Forschung & Entwicklung