IT security for critical infrastructures of traffic control centers
Transport infrastructures ensure the basic supply of economy and society. As these infrastructures are increasingly monitored and controlled by IT systems, their protection against cyber-attacks has also become a growing challenge. The aim of the Cyber-Safe project is therefore to enable the operators of traffic, tunnel and public transport control centers to identify potential threats from cyber attacks better than before and to take appropriate protective and countermeasures. To this end, measures already implemented are checked for their effectiveness. Finally, a holistic security concept is transferred to a guideline with the associated management tool, making it available to users for practical application.
The Cyber-Safe project started in February 2015 with a three-year term, is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the funding priority "IT Security for Critical Infrastructures" and is managed by the project sponsor VDI / VDE Innovation + Forschung GmbH ,