Call for Papers for the Young Forum
The participants of the "Young Forum" should have already gained initial experience in practice or science and should be able to report on current new developments in their respective fields. From the proposals submitted, about five will be selected for the "Young Forum" lecture event. The winners of the preliminary decision will then have the opportunity to present in front of a large and competent audience at the STUVA Conference 2019. The winner of the STUVA Young Talent Award will be chosen from the speakers by means of an audience decision. The award ceremony will then take place as part of the festive evening event. The winners of the past years won trips to tunnel construction sites in Dubai, China, Toronto and Doha. The travel reports were then published in the "Tunnel". Some examples can be viewed under the link on the right.
Anna-Lena Hammer, member of the steering committee of the STUVA-YEP - Forum for Young Engineering Professionals and winner of the 2011 Young Engineering Professionals Award, will be happy to provide further information.
Registration for lectures
- The lecture application must be submitted by 30.01.2019 and must be coordinated with the company in which the young engineer is employed.
- The (short) version of the lecture content should be limited to a maximum of 2500 characters.
- The topic must always be new. The news content must be clearly presented.
- The duration of the lecture should not exceed 15 minutes.
- The submitted presentation is the basis for selection.
- The notification of acceptance of the presentation will be sent by 15.05.2019.
If you are interested in participating or for further information, please contact Julia Nass or Felix Baum (both STUVA).